Tuesday 28 April 2009

Oh My Darling

Happy birthday, Terry.
I do love you an awful lot, by Io.

Monday 20 April 2009

A Ten Minute Dream in the Passenger's Seat

And if you swear
that there's
no truth
and who cares,
how come you say it
like you're right?
--Conor Oberst (whom I think is a bit of a pretentious wanker)

Sunday 19 April 2009

coming up for air

Just got reminded that the new Oh, Sleeper album is out soon. Yippee.
I'm excited.
Worked late tonight, and made the mistake of drinking a Rock Star at six thirty. It's now twenty to eleven and I'm twitching like the comically coked-out squirrel in your garden variety family animation.
Well, not literally. I'm only typing about 120 wpm, so no harm's really done.
Again, urk.
Bitches and hos, yo.
I need new guitar strings.
Oh, and if anyone wants to buy me a pair of Doc Marten's Phina boots, feel free.

Saturday 18 April 2009


Oh mah tum hurts.
Just watched some oddball Canuck film. Young People Fucking.
As usual, they have the 'best friends' couple get together.
What nonsense. Best mates are just best mates for good reasons.
Anyhow, aside from that nonsense, there was a very cute British boy with blue eyes and a sloppy smile in it, which is brilliant.
Oh man.
I was given a great big fat dose of reality.
Going through Whole Foods Market to grab some dinner, and the boy in the checkout next to us was a skinny bearded thing with big blue eyes.
Oh man.

Friday 17 April 2009


I'm suffering.
I'm going to be working about sixty hours a week for the next three months.
*bangs forehead.
I'm going to suffer more.
But with beer.

Saturday 4 April 2009


I love hot weather
and my lungs are filled with
smoke and water, mixing
charcoal-dust carefully, just enough
to keep from choking out the
last languourous breaths.

and it is glorious.