Thursday, 11 October 2007

Oh, Daddy!

Yes. I have one living in my room.
A daddy long legs, that is!
*cue drum roll*
He's cute, and only has seven legs. He moved in while I was at the XD, and whenever I look round, he's in the corner I look. I don't know how he gets round so quickly, being an invalid and all. He's very cute. I didn't think I was ready to love again after Fred, but the little minger's wormed his way into my heart. I think I shall name him Percival.
Sir Percival Gainsley.
I would also like to apologize for the poetry I wrote the other day. It was inexcusable. Here is something a little fresher, older, and sexier. Something bright and happy to remember those days, sitting outside the duplex, with a cup of hot peach tea, watching the sun go down on a new home.

Peach Tea
Opposing me, enclosing me.
If I work, I will not eat.
Doubly honest self-esteem,
Strangling suffrage is a dream.

Delight by charted sights,
Crackling sparks lie maimed at night.
Kow-towing to a tainted line.
Health in silence, a tongueless mime.

Fruit burned in second storm's wake.
Mind churned, thicker thoughts to make.
Bubbling skin on funeral pyre.
Pennies ransom Charon's ire.

Quadruple clean-cut channels
Win all defensive battles.
Oppose every single drop.
Falling upward never stops.

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